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Table 12.37 Effects of Dopamine Enhancing Medication in Children

Author/ Year/ Country/ Study Design/ N Methods Outcomes
Patrick et al. (2003) USA Case Series N=10 Population: TBI=7, CVA=2, Encephalopathy=1; Mean Age=13.7 yr; Gender: Male=7, Female=3; Mean GCS=3.1; Mean Time Post Injury=52.5 days. Treatment: Each child in a low response state (i.e., vegetative or minimally conscious) was placed on a dopaminergic agonist: amantadine (n=3), pramipexole (n=3), bromocriptine (n=1), levodopa (n=1) or methylphenidate (n=4) for a mean of 39 days. Two received multiple agonists. Outcome Measure: Western NeuroSensory Stimulation Profile (WNSSP).
  1. Final WNSSP assessments (87.5±27.7) significantly improved from baseline (14.4±3.0; p<0.01).
  2. Rate of improvement in WNSSP scores was significantly greater during the medication phase (0.89±0.31) than in the pre-medication phase (0.68±0.15; p=0.02)