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Table 14.15 Social Building Interventions for the Treatment of Behavioural Disorders Post Pediatric TBI




Study Design

Sample Size

Methods Outcome

Glang et al.






Population:  STEP Group (N=59): Age range=6 to 21yr; Gender: Male=67.8%, Female=32.2%; Mean time post injury=N/A; GCS=mild=2, mod=30, severe=27. Usual Care (N=41): Age Range=6 to 21yr; Gender: Male=75.6%, Female=24.4%; Mean time post injury=N/A; GCS=mild=1, mod=19, severe=21.

Intervention: Families of children with TBI were randomly assigned to usual care or STEP (School Transition and Re-entry Programme) program. This program was implemented to facilitate a link from the hospital to the school for young patients with TBI returning requiring special education and behavioural adjustment. Measure taken at baseline and at 1 year later of being in either group.

Outcomes: Achenbach child behavior checklist (CBCL); behavior rating inventory of executive function (BRIEF); Child and adolescent scale of participation (CASP); child and adolescent scales of environment (CASE).


1.        There were no significant differences between groups on any measures (p>0.05).


Wade et al.







Population: TBI; CAPS Group (n=65): Mean Age=14.7yr; Gender: Male=44, Female=21; Severity: Moderate=40, Severe=25; Mean Time Post-Injury=3.7 mo. IRC Group (n=67): Mean Age=15.0yr; Gender: Male=43, Female=24; Severity: Moderate=41, Severe=26; Mean Time Post-Injury=3.5 mo.

Intervention: Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups; the Counsellor Assisted Problem-Solving (CAPS) group where participants received visits and eventually video-conferences with a therapist, and completed problem-solving skills training, or the Internet Resource Comparison (IRC) group where participants were given online access to resources and websites only. The interventions were provided for 6 mo. Assessments were completed at baseline, post-treatment, 12 mo and 18 mo follow-up.

Outcome Measure: Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS).

1.        A significant Group x Visit interaction was observed for CAFAS Total score (p<0.010). Post hoc analyses revealed lower CAFAS scores (representing an improvement) at the final visit for the CAPS group compared to the IRC group. However, the groups did not differ at any other time.

2.        A significant Group x Visit interaction was observed for CAFAS Community score (p=0.030). Post hoc analyses revealed the CAPS group was rated as having significantly better functioning in the community than the IRC group at 18 mo follow-up (p=0.040).

3.        Total number of CAPS sessions completed was significantly correlated with CAFAS total score, indicating that families with more problems completed more sessions (p=0.040).

4.        Premorbid history of learning, attention or behavior problems was significantly associated with poorer scores on the CAFAS Total (p=0.020), School (p=0.030), Community (p=0.030) and Behavior Toward Others (p=0.010) subscales.

Glang et al.



Case Study



Population: TBI; Mean Age=12.7yr; Gender: Male=3, Female=0; Mean Time Post Injury=5yr.

Intervention: Patients participated in the Building Friendships process; a school-based, educator-mediated intervention designed to help patients expand their social networks. The patients, their family, existing friends, and school staff were consulted to identify a list of goals and implemented strategies to assist the patient in achieving these goals and prevent isolation. Assessments were completed at baseline, 5-11wk and 12-18wk during the intervention.

Outcome Measure: Number of Social Contacts Per Week, Parent and Facilitator Ratings of Social Inclusion and Satisfaction.

1.        A significant intervention effect was reported with patients engaging in an average of 9.9 weekly social contacts compared to 2.1 at baseline (p<0.010).

2.        Average parent ratings of satisfaction with the patients’ level of social inclusion increased consistently from baseline to 12-18 wk assessment.

3.        Patients’ ratings of satisfaction also dropped between the 5-11 wk and 12-18 wk time-points.

4.        Follow-up investigation indicated that the increase in social contacts of the patients did not last beyond the remainder of the school year.

PEDro = Physiotherapy Evidence Database rating scale score (Moseley et al., 2002).