Feedback by Camila | Jan 3, 2019 Gender Male Female Age Are you a ABI/TBI Survivor Family Member Medical Professional Other Occupation Physican Speech Therapist Clinical Psychologist Psychologist Nurse Physical Therapist Recreational Therapist Occupational Therapist Social Worker Community Based Service Provider Student Other What is your area of speciality? Family Medicine Practitioner Physiatrist Psychiatrist Neurologist Neuro-Surgeon Other What is your area of study? In what country are you located? Please indicate your feelings for each of the following The purpose of ERABI is clearly explained Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree The navigation on the website is user friendly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree The information provided throughout the website was informative Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree Time's up