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Table 10.1 Definitions of Post-Traumatic Seizures (p.595; Brain Injury Special Interest Group, 1998)

Term Definition
Seizure Discrete clinical event that reflects a temporary physiologic dysfunction of the brain characterized by excessive and hypersynchronous discharge of cortical neurons.
Post-Traumatic Seizure An initial or recurrent seizure episode not attributable to another obvious cause after penetrating or non-penetrating TBI. The term encompasses both single and recurrent events.
Immediate Post-Traumatic Seizure A seizure due to TBI occurring within the first 24 hours of injury.
Early Post-Traumatic Seizure A seizure due to TBI occurring within the first week of injury.
Late Post-Traumatic Seizure A seizure due to TBI occurring after the first week of injury.
Post-Traumatic Epilepsy A disorder characterized by recurrent late seizure episodes not attributable to another obvious cause in patients following TBI.  The term should be reserved for recurrent, late post-traumatic seizures.
Nonepileptic Seizures Episodic behavioural events that superficially resemble epileptic attacks but are not associated with paroxysmal activity within the brain.
Antiepileptic Drug Prophylaxis In the context of post-traumatic seizures, antiepileptic drug treatment administered to prevent seizures in patients who are at risk but have not yet manifested seizures.
Epilepsy A condition characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures.
Status Epilepticus More than 5 minutes of continuous seizure activity or two or more sequential seizures without full recovery of consciousness between seizures.