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Table 12.10 Effects of Physostigmine on Memory

Author Year


Research Design


Sample Size





Cardenas et al. (1994)





Population: TBI; Mean Age=29.5 yr; Gender: Male=36, Female=0; Mean GCS=5.31; Mean Time Post Injury=4.33 yr. Intervention: Patients randomized to one of 4 treatment protocols: 1) scopolamine, oral physostigmine, washout, placebo (for scopolamine), then placebo (for physostigmine); 2) placebo (for scopolamine), oral physostigmine, washout, scopolamine, then placebo (for physostigmine); 3) placebo (for scopolamine), placebo (for physostigmine), washout, scopolamine, then oral physostigmine; and 4) scopolamine, placebo (for physostigmine), washout, placebo (for scopolamine), then oral physostigmine. Scopolamine was administered at 5µg/hr via a transdermal patch placed behind the ear. Oral physostigmine was administered initially at 2mg 3×/day, but titrated up to 4mg 3×/day over 1 wk. Washout period was 1wk, and each treatment phase lasted 8d. Outcome Measure: Selective Reminding Test (SRT), Wechsler Memory Scale I & II, Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test A & B, Memory Questionnaire, clinical balance tests, serum cholinesterase levels. 1.        A total of 16 (44%) participants had improved memory scores while taking oral physostigmine (improvement was defined as >50% increase on Long-term storage or Sum Consistent Long-term Retrieval of the SRT). 2.        Participants were divided into either responder (n=16) or non-responder (n=20) groups based on the SRT. 3.        Responders showed significantly improved standing time compared to non-responders (p<0.05), suggesting better balance.
PEDro=Physiotherapy Evidence Database rating scale score (Moseley et al., 2002).