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Table 14.24 Injury-Related Information Interventions for the Rehabilitation of Self-Awareness in Children Post ABI




Study Design

Sample Size

Methods Outcome

Beardmore et al.






Population: TBI; Injury Group (n=11): Mean Age=13.3yr; Gender: Male=8, Female=3; Mean Time Post Injury=3.6 yr. Study Group (n=10): Mean Age=13.3yr; Gender: Male=7, Female=3; Mean Time Post Injury=3.2 yr.

Intervention: Patients were randomly assigned to either the Injury Group, where patients were received an injury-related information session, or the Study Group who received an attention-placebo information session which focused on coping at school. Each group received one session lasting 30 min. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 1 mo post-treatment.

Outcome Measure: Knowledge Interview for Children (KIC), Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (PH-CSCS), Child Behaviour Checklist-Problems Scale (CBCL-P), Parenting Stress Index (PSI), Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT).

1.        The Injury-related information intervention was not successful in improving children’s knowledge or awareness of TBI as the Injury Group scored significantly lower on the KIC than the Study Group at post-intervention (p<0.050).

2.        However, the Injury Group scored significantly lower RBMT scores than the Study Group (p<0.010) at pre-intervention, leading the authors to suggest that memory deficits may have led to difficulties in remembering newly acquired knowledge.

3.        Parents of patients in the Injury Group reported a significant reduction in PSI scores in comparison with parents of children in the Study Group (p<0.050).

4.        There were no significant differences between groups on the PH-CSCS and CBCL-P at post-treatment.

PEDro = Physiotherapy Evidence Database rating scale score (Moseley et al., 2002).