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Table 15.26 Music Therapy for Recovery of Consciousness Post ABI

Author Year


Research Design


Sample Size

Methods Outcomes

Sun & Chen (2015)




Population: TBI; Treatment Group (TG, n=20): Mean Age=39.35 yr; Gender: Male=15, Female=5; Mean Time Post Injury=6.55 days; Mean GCS=5.55. Control Group (CG, n=20): Mean Age=40.05 yr; Gender: Male=15, Female=5; Mean Time Post Injury=6.70 days; Mean GCS=5.65.

Intervention: Participants in a coma were assigned to receive musical stimuli (TG) or silence (CG). Music was delivered during 15-30 min sessions in the morning, afternoon, and evening for 4 wk. Outcomes were assessed before and after treatment.

Outcome Measures: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG).

1.        Mean GCS improved significantly (p<0.05) in both the TG (5.55 to 11.30) and CG (5.65 to 9.45) 1 mo after treatment.

2.        GCS improvement was significantly greater in the TG than in the CG (p<0.05).

3.        Mean QEEG improved significantly (p<0.05) in both the TG (9.38 to 6.30) and CG (9.54 to 7.99) 1 mo after treatment.

4.        QEEG improvement was significantly greater in the TG than in the CG (p<0.05).

5.        GCS and QEEG were inversely correlated both before (r=-0.482, p=0.002) and after (r=-0.493, p=0.005) treatment.