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Table 7.13 Methylphenidate for the Treatment of Sleep Disorders Post ABI

Author Year


Study Design

Sample Size

Methods Outcome

Al-Adawi et al.



Case Control


Population: TBI=30; Mean Age=51yr; Gender: Male=23, Female=7.

Intervention: Records of patients admitted to a dedicated brain injury unit in 1999 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients receiving methylphenidate (5-10mg at 8am and 2pm) made up the treatment group (n=17). The control group (n=13) were patients that received no medication.

Outcome Measure: Sleep State, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Rancho Los Amigo: Levels of Cognitive Functioning (RLA).

1.       The mean hours of sleep during a 24hr period did not significantly differ between the treatment and control groups (8.3 versus 9.0hr, p=0.096). 2.       Mean hours of sleep at night for the treatment and control groups were 6.4 and 6.9hr, respectively. 3.       Mean total FIM score at baseline was lower for those in the methylphenidate group than for controls (30.0 versus 34.9, p=0.4). 4.       RLA scores were comparable between groups at baseline (p=0.479).