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Table 15.1 Intracranial Pressure Monitors for the Acute Management of Intracranial Pressure Post ABI

Author Year


Research Design


Sample Size

Methods Outcomes

Chesnut et al. (2012)

Bolivia& Ecuador




Population: TBI=200. Pressure-monitoring group (n=157): Median Age=29 yr; Gender: Male=143, Female=14. Median time to admission to study hospital= 3.5 h. Median motor GCS score=5. Imaging-Clinical Examination (ICE) group (n=167): Mean Age=29 yr; Gender: Male=140, Female=27, Median time to admission to study hospital=2.9 h, Median motor GCS score=4. Intervention: Patients were randomly assigned to either the ICP-monitoring, or the Imaging and Clinical Examination (ICE) group. Patients in the ICP-monitoring group had an intraparenchymal monitor placed as soon as possible. Patients in the ICE group were treated in accordance to hospital protocol. Outcomes were assessed at discharge, 3 and 6 mo. Outcome measures: Survival, Duration and Level of Impaired Consciousness, Functional Status and Orientation (3mo- GOSE, DSR, GOAT), Functional and Neuropsychological Status (6 mo), Hospital Length of Stay (LOS), Systemic Complications. 1.        There were no significant differences between the groups in survival, 14 d or 6 mo mortality, hospital LOS, incidence of neurological worsening. 2.        Patients in the pressure-monitoring group had a significant higher rate of decubitus ulcers compared to the ICE group (p=0.03) 3.        The median interval during which patients received brain-specific treatment, total number of treatments, use of high dose barbiturates, and proportion of patients treated with HTS or hyperventilation was significantly higher in the ICE group (p=0.05)

Agrawal et al. (2017)

USA & India



Population: Severe TBI; ICPM not used (n=848): Median Age=32 yr; Gender: Male=756, Female=92; Median Time Post Injury=3.46 hr; Median Admission GCS=6. ICPM used (n=497): Median Age=31 yr; Gender: Male=438, Female=59; Median Time Post Injury=3.08 hr; Median Admission GCS=7. Intervention: Patients who received invasive intracranial pressure monitoring (ICPM) during ICU admission were compared with controls. Outcome Measures: Hospital Mortality, Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). 1.        The probability of hospital mortality was significantly lower in patients who received ICPM by about 9% (p=0.001). ICPM utilization was also associated with a significantly lower mortality at 6mo by about 6% (p=0.03). 2.        There were no significant treatment effects on probability of poor function (defined by GOS) at 6mo (p=0.46).

Kasotakis et al. (2012)


Case Control


Population: TBI; Mean Age=46.5 yr; Gender: Male=295, Female=83; Mean GCS=6.7. Intervention: Participants who received External Ventricular Drainage (EVD) or Intraparenchymal Fiberoptic Monitor (IPM) for CSF drainage were compared. Outcome Measures: Intracranial Pressure (ICP), Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), Mortality, Length of Stay (LOS), Additional Treatments, Complications. 1.        Mean ICP monitoring duration was significantly longer in EVD than IPM (7.3 days versus 3.8 days, p<0.001). 2.        There was no significant difference between EVD and IPM in mean GOS at 1 mo (2.5 versus 2.7, p=0.45) or mortality (32.2% versus 20.9%, p=0.82). 3.        Mean LOS in ICU was significantly longer in EVD than IPM (9.5 days versus 7.6, p=0.004), but there was no difference in hospital LOS (16.4 days versus 15.6 days, p=0.57). 4.        Surgical decompression was significantly higher in EVD than IPM (51.9% versus 33.6%, p=0.001). 5.        Device-related complications were significantly higher in the EVD group than in the IPM group (31.1% versus 11.2%, p<0.05).