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Table 4.24 Cold Therapy for Pain Management Post ABI

Author, Year Country Study Design Sample Size Methods Outcome
Jensen et al. (1990) Denmark RCT PEDro=4 N=19 Population: TBI; Mean Age=31.6yr; Gender: Male=7, Female=12; Mean Time Post Injury=359d. Intervention: Patients were randomized to one of two groups: the manual therapy group (n=10) or the cold pack group (n=9). Those in the manual therapy group received soft passive movements of the joint at the outer range of motion. Cold pact therapy involved placing the cold pack under the neck and shoulders of the individual. Each intervention period lasted 15 to 20min. Interventions were given over a 12wk period. Outcome Measure: Pain Schedules, Intensity of Headache on Visual Analogue Scale. 1.        The pain index of those in the manual therapy group declined after the two treatments while remaining relatively constant in the cold pack group. 2.        The manual therapy group reported the greatest reduction in pain at week 5. 3.        Reduction in pain was significantly different (p<0.05) between the two groups at 5wk, with the manual therapy group reporting significantly less pain than the cold pack group. 4.        Pain reduction for the manual therapy group decreased by 84% at 6wk.